Floristic diversity of the central part of the South Bačka loess terrace (Vojvodina, Serbia)

Dragan Paja Obradov, Boris Đoka Radak, Bojana Slavenko Bokić, Goran Timča Anačkov


Three year-long botanical field investigations of the central part of the South Bačka loess terrace were conducted with the purpose to determine the floristic diversity of this primarily agricultural area. A total of 518 vascular plant taxa (504 species and 14 subspecies) were registered and classified into 102 families and 316 genera. The families with the most representatives were Asteraceae, Poaceae, Rosaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, and Brassicaceae, while the most species-rich genera were Euphorbia, Prunus, Potentilla, Ranunculus, and Rumex. Floral elements were grouped into eight areal types, with the domination of Eurasian areal type. Also, 54 adventive taxa were noted of which 41 had an invasive character. The biological spectrum was characterized by the domination of hemicryptophytes and therophytes. The presence of twenty protected plant species and six tertiary relicts were registered.

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