Some characteristics and observations on Xiphinema vuittenezi Luc, Lima, Weischer & Flegg, 1964 (Nematoda: Longidoridae) with comments on its discovery in Syria

László Barsi


According to literary sources, the structure of the tubular part of the uterus is a matter of controversy in Xiphinema vuittenezi females: specifically, the presence or absence of spindle-shaped spines and Z-differentiation. By studying the freshly dissected genital tracts of female X. vuittenezi, the presence of spindle-shaped spines in variable number and size was confirmed, which are distributed throughout the tubular part of the uterus, but seem to be most concentrated proximally, next to the pars dilatata uteri. The spines have a central projection that allows them to attach to the wall of the uterus forming a "uterine network" that resembles a mixture of pentagons and hexagons. No Z-differentiation was observed. Intraspecific tail variability in X. vuittenezi was presented and illustrated. Based on morphological, morphometric and molecular data, it can be assumed that the discovery of X. vuittenezi in Syria refers to another, probably still undescribed species.

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